Natural Chemistry's PhosFree is a perfect cost savings way to reduce phosphate levels in your pool. The added benefits include reducing sanitizer demand, maintaining low levels of phosphates, prevents scum lines, and surface oils. PhosFree reduces phosphates to near zero which will allow you to enjoy an algae free pool!
- No phosphate build-up
- Less vacuuming
- Reduced filter maintenance
- Less cleaning time means more pool enjoyment
- Enhances any sanitizer program
Tips & Info
- Always test your phosphate level before using PHOSfree. It is the only way to know your required dosage and if you are making progress in the phosphate removal process.
- Important: Algae must be treated first, prior to testing and lowering phosphates. Chlorine must be under 5ppm before testing phosphates.
- Color is that of weak skim milk. Some may be off white and may have sediment chunks. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING!
- Product not affected by high levels of sanitizer
- Can swim immediately after use.
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