Please Note: The track width must be a minimum 2" wider than the pool on each side. The track length must be a minimum 1-1/2' longer than the pool on each end. If you have brick or stone coping, the track width must be made wider. If your bench will be more than 1' from the pool edge the track length must be longer. Track width x track length equals cover SF.
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Yep! Many of our customers build there own pool and you have contracting experience! Definitely a bonus!
Check out our Installation Guide (found in the footer on our website) as well as this article:
04/03/2020, 12:54:19 PM
Yes sir you can install in a paver deck. You would just screw directly into the pavers. Let us know if you have any other questions.
04/03/2020, 12:14:44 PM