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What Are Pool Kits and How Do They Benefit You?

What Are Pool Kits and How Do They Benefit You?

More people are realizing the many benefits of pool kits as they look for ways to save money and get the pools they want in a timely manner. A pool kit includes the filter and pump system, the liner, plumbing equipment and other supplies needed to build the pool. In comparison with having a custom-built pool, a kit is more affordable. It can also be more affordable than a DIY pool that is not made from a kit. For example, when people try to design their own pools and purchase the supplies individually, they may wind up spending more. Also, they often discover that they need additional supplies or different supplies as the project progresses, and this adds to the expenses. While it is still important to factor in the other costs, a kit for building a pool offers a simplified and value-packed solution.

Other costs often include excavation to dig the area for the pool or extra concrete for the surrounding area. There may be others as well. For example, some people need to build a compliant enclosure or fence around the pool to satisfy legal requirements. Excavation is often the most significant expense aside from the kit itself. According to recent data, the average excavation cost to install a residential pool was about $2,500. The common price range was between $500 and $4,500, and costs varied based on size. Even with those other costs, choosing a pool kit is a significant savings in comparison with the cost of a custom pool.

Some people assume that excavation is a complex process or feel intimidated by trying to hire someone to do it. By doing research and knowing how to avoid scams, people can feel confident that the process will go smoothly. According to a survey of pool kit buyers, 97% of respondents with a postgraduate degree said that there were no significant issues when they installed their pools from kits. The survey also showed that a kit worked better for budget needs for 93% of the respondents. With a response rate of more than 95% in the 25 to 34 age group, that finding was especially relevant to young adults.

In addition to being more predictable and affordable, kits offer DIY pool builders versatility. Today, most people have a fiberglass pool, a vinyl pool or a concrete pool. Vinyl is inexpensive, and vinyl pool liners come in many sizes and shapes. However, vinyl deteriorates over time. Concrete is known for its timeless and distinct look. Also, a concrete pool can last for several decades or longer if it is replastered as necessary and cared for properly. Concrete requires more maintenance and is more prone to algae growth since it is porous. Although a fiberglass pool may not have the longevity that concrete has, it can be a better choice in colder climates and typically comes with lower maintenance costs. Fiberglass retains heat well, and it is strong and flexible. Additionally, it can be installed in colder temperatures.

Pool kit manufacturers carefully design user-friendly components and instructions for DIY enthusiasts. Fiberglass and some vinyl kits are also better for people who have limited time. Most kit-based pools can be planned, installed and operational within a matter of weeks. While concrete requires extra time to set properly, using a concrete pool kit is still quicker than installing a custom pool. From conceptualization to completion, the process for hiring professionals to create a custom pool can take many months. Kits remove many of the barriers that prevented people from having the pools of their dreams in the past. People in all regions of the United States are enjoying those benefits today, and recent survey data shows some interesting findings.


When asked what prompted them to buy a pool kit, 58.2% of respondents in the Midwest said that convenience was the key motivator. Another 23.1% cited the benefit of being able to complete the work themselves as the main reason why they chose a kit. For 18.6% of respondents, the top reason was cost. When it came to the type of pool liner Midwesterners chose, fiberglass was the leader. While vinyl came in second with 30.8% of respondents choosing it, 37.4% selected fiberglass liners. Another 27.5% chose concrete.

Kit manufacturers place a great deal of importance on giving DIY pool builders the confidence they need to succeed. The survey also looked at how confident people felt versus what they experienced by using a pool kit. In the Midwest, 93.4% of respondents felt confident that they could do either all or some of the pool kit installation work themselves. Of those owners, 97% said that they experienced very few or no problems with building their pools. In the survey, 37% of the Midwest respondents had owned their pool for longer than five years.


When it comes to people having experience with pools made from kits, Northeasterners may be leaders in this area. Six to 10 years was the average time 46.6% of Northeasterners had owned their pools. In comparison with the national average, that was 15% higher. The nationwide average for that same ownership period among respondents was 31.6%. Like the Midwest participants, 97% of pool kit owners in the Northeast experienced few or no problems installing their inground kits. Also, 95.1% said that they could do all or some of the DIY work on their own.

The main motivator for Northeastern residents was convenience. According to the survey, 56.3% of participants purchased kits for that reason. Cost was the key reason 23.3% of people in the region chose a kit. Another 23.4% cited being able to do the work themselves as their main influence. At 39.8%, fiberglass was the leading kit material chosen in the Northeast. Vinyl was chosen by 37.9% of respondents, and 18.5% of Northeasterners selected concrete.


With the heat and humidity in the South, it is no surprise that two of the top three states with the most pools are in this region. They are Florida and Texas. Comprising 38.5% of responses, fiberglass was the most popular material choice in the South. Behind it was concrete at 31.7%. Kits with vinyl liners were chosen by 28.8% of respondents.

In the South, 63% of pool kit owners chose to buy kits for convenience. Another 21.2% cited the benefit of being able to build the pool themselves, and 15.9% said that cost was the leading factor. About 95% of Southerners felt confident in being able to do some or all of the work on their own. The same percentage experienced few or no problems with their kits. Also, of the combined respondents in the United States who were successfully able to do some or all of the work on their own, 42% were from the South.


Unsurprisingly, Arizona and California are two of the top five states in the country with the most pools. Like all the other regions, the main reason why people in the West chose kits was convenience. That was the cited factor among 55.8% of respondents. Another 20% said that they liked the benefit of being able to build the pool themselves. The remaining 24.2% said that cost motivated them. Cost was a more important factor to Westerners than it was to respondents in any other region. In comparison, the national average for choosing cost as the main motivator was 18%.

Unlike other regions, the West's most common liner choice was not fiberglass. It accounted for 30.5% of kit-built pools. Vinyl was the leading choice at 33.7%, and 31.6% of respondents chose concrete. In the West, 94.7% of respondents felt confident that they could do all or some of the work on their own. Also, 96% of the region's pool owners who used kits said that they experienced few or no problems with their pools.


An interesting trend in the research from the four regions was that success rates tended to be higher than the confidence people had in their abilities to install the kit materials on their own. However, the confidence rates still stayed above 90%. This is good news for pool kit manufacturers about the quality of their materials and instructions.

The high rate of reported satisfaction among owners who experienced few or no problems also shows that kits offer excellent value. Many of the surveyed pool owners had their pools for several years. Overall, 91% of the respondents in the survey said that they would recommend pool kits. With all the time, cost and convenience benefits, it is easy to appreciate the value of a pool kit. Additionally, since pool kit popularity is growing, there are more sizes, types and even some customization options available today.